the Dog Blog

The Proficient Pup
The Proficient Pup: Dog Training Blog For North County San Diego Community Dog-Parents
Guest Blog: Load Up, Pup! by Chey Anne Maes
It’s Time for a Road Trip! “Load up Buddy, letʼs hit the road!” My dog jumps right into his crate and settles on his bed, gnawing away at his bully stick. His crate takes up a good chunk of cargo…
Top 10 Inexpensive Puzzle-Toys for Dogs
Training with Puzzles When clients invite me into their home for training, they usually have specific behaviors they’d like to work on. Maybe it’s jumping, or mouthing, or even walking doggy on a leash without being pulled down the street….
“I Don’t Have Time to Train!”
We all live busy lives. Even when things are not busy, we want to enjoy that and not fill our days with things-to-do. I fall into this line of thinking as well: when I am busy, I do not feel…
San Diego County Rattlesnakes
For many of us who own dogs, rattlesnakes are a real concern. We may feel like we can avoid them ourselves, but feel less certain that our dogs can do the same. In addition to training our dogs to avoid…
Fake It ‘Til You Make It? No Way.
There’s a popular saying that really bothers me: “Fake it ’til you make it.” I disagree with the concept and fail to find that to be good advice. What does it mean? It seems to mean that when a person…
What Will Happen to My Pets When I Die?
So, this is not a pleasant topic. No one likes to think they won’t be able to experience some of life’s great events. But we also know it’s a truth that we won’t be around forever. Due to that inevitability,…
How to Find a Good Dog Trainer
Finding a good dog trainer is both simple and complex. It’s simple in that it just requires research. It’s complex in that it can be difficult to distinguish if a trainer will be helpful or harmful. Here’s a short list…
Life With a Fearful Pittie
Our adventure began when my husband and I adopted our fearful American Staffordshire Terrier from a San Diego shelter. People sometimes call this breed of dog an Am Staff, or staffie, or pittie, or pibble. Even more people call it…
How to Keep Your Pets Safe in a Disaster
Watching the evacuations and rescues of Hurricane Harvey on TV, it’s easy to judge. It’s easy to say, “Shoulda, coulda, woulda.” We all want to believe we are prepared for a disaster, but the reality is that most of us…
How Can I Be An Advocate For My Reactive Dog?
I teach a class for reactive dogs. A reactive dog is one who overreacts to environmental stimuli. Usually, it’s other dogs. Most dogs do not get along with strange dogs and really have no interest in meeting them. Sometimes, dogs…
Comfort Zones and Cold Feet
I love my comfort zones, as most people do. There are a few times in my life I’ve stepped out of it: when I took a ride in a hot air balloon in Botswana (I won’t do that again), or…
Hands On or Hands Off?
When we say someone has “hands-on” experience, it means that he or she has personal interaction with or planning of a subject. Training a dog is a “hands-on” activity, meaning that there is detailed managing and decision-making in teaching the…