the Dog Blog

The Proficient Pup
The Proficient Pup: Dog Training Blog For North County San Diego Community Dog-Parents
Why I Love Dogs Who Say No
A few weeks ago, I was teaching a Beginning Manners class for adult dogs. I said to the human students, “I love dogs who say ‘No.’” The students looked at me doubtfully, and I continued, “Just like with your children:…
5 Steps to Successful Canine Massage
You may have read the title of this blogpost and thought, “How can canine massage not be successful?” It is possible. Have you ever had a massage that you did not enjoy? As humans, we may not want to tell the massage therapist…
My Dog’s DNA Test
This last week, I received the results of my dog’s DNA test. My mom and dad in-law bought me the test for Christmas and I finally got around to testing our pup about a month ago. My dog is what…
Building a Confident Pup
How can you build a confident pup? It’s no secret that doing something repeatedly buids experience or skill. That skill then builds confidence. It is said that doing anything for 10,000 hours will make someone an expert at that thing….
How to Fail at Dog Training
When working with clients, I find that people often have high expectations for themselves and for their dogs. Having high expectations is fine, but make sure that you and your dog can reach those goals. For example, if you want…
What’s Wrong With My Dog?
As a trainer, this is a question that potential clients often pose to me. Pet owners often look at their furry friends and think, “Why can’t he do this?” or “Why doesn’t he want to listen?” “What’s Wrong With My…
Choosing a Dog Who Is Right For You
Thinking of getting a new doggy? Maybe you already have a dog in mind, or maybe you just want to see what’s out there. Here are a few tips to help you in your search when choosing that new canine…
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